Friday, February 5, 2010

Another week closer to going back to work :(

February 1st

My honey's 31st birthday! I made him a better than sex cake (and ate most of it myself) and made him a picture frame with the kids hands in it (what a mess with the paint) and took a picture of Gavyn with a shirt that says, "My dad rocks!" That's all he got cuz he went fishing all day yesterday.

February 2nd

Spent the day at the hospitals again, but didn't take any pictures there. In the morning I took this picture and couldn't resist posting it. But today we found out it is Crohns Disease and she will be taking a steroid to clear up the ulcers. Lots of reading to find out more about this. Mariah was happy she didn't get any "owwies".

February 3rd

My mom has Mariah over night and Kiara is at school. Mr. Gavyn is sleeping and now that I have time to myself how should I spend it?? Well take a look at my calendar and free time cannot be found. My mommy calendar has spots for Mariah, me, Nate and Kiara. I love this thing, but it fills up fast. The three things that I cannot live without.. (besides my kids) my cell phone, car keys and my calendar.

February 4th

Playdate with Elizabeth and her kids, Mason and Emma. We had a lot of catching up to do seeing we haven't seen eachother in over 3 years. My kids are twice the size of hers, but the girls got along pretty well, but Mariah wouldn't take her medicine for Liz either. It was worth a try?

February 5th

Gavyn at 2 months. He had his appointment today and is 12 pounds 12 ounces! And 24 inches long!! What a ham. Dr. said he is perfect. And poor baby got 3 shots. Not only did I feel bad about that but he also pooped all over and I had to put his outfit back on with poop on it because I didn't pack another outfit.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Challenge time

January 28th

My little Ms. Mariah. How cute she was today. Dad was gone fishing and I was busy trying to multi task 3 kids and getting the house clean. UGH! Her and Kiara were playing dress up and Mariah actually put on this dress. The little girl (who I swear is OC about clothes) put on this cute dress and then wanted to come help me with the dishes. She washed them all for me - and they were actually clean. Thanks Mariah.

January 29th

I needed some girl time - so my BFF came over to catch up. We were intending to play some Wii or watch a movie, but we ended up talking. Doesn't she look Mexican next to me - mind you I had no makeup on or did nothing with my hair. And Gavyn looks like a 6 month old here!! Anyway, the girls were sleeping and it was really nice having adult conversations. Even if it was about the good ol' times when we were young and partied like there was no tomorrow! (sigh)

January 30th

The majority of my pictures are of my kids - so bare with me. Gavyn started smiling a couple weeks ago and the last couple days he has been doing it nonstop! I love it!! He's such a happy baby. I find that when I am really stressed or at my wit's end or just can't stop thinking about the stresses in life - talking to Gavyn and seeing him smile, erases everything for that moment. I need to take time out more often.

January 31st

Last one for awhile - I promise! I am teaching Kiara how to use a camera and she took this amazing photo! My camera is really heavy and she needs to look through the lens to take the picture, but she lined it up perfectly to campture my hands and his face at the perfect angle. I am so proud.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 4th 2010

Seeing I didn't start the 365 challenge until Feb. I thought I would post the pictures that were significant up until February.
January 4th
First picture I took in 2010 - of my new baby boy, Gavyn. I'm going to try to take his picture each month with his teddy. I tried with both girls to take the picture each month, but failed. This is a new year and last chance to try.

January 12th 2010
My 18 year old cousin was in a car accident and is paralysed. He is considered a quadlaplegic. He had a 7 hour surgery to repair broken vertebrae. Pretty wicked scar! Rods put in his back and a plate in his neck. They shaved his hair - I haven't seen it that short (or with glasses) since he was in my wedding 5 years ago. Love my Jordan and praying for him constantly!
January 17th
We had my little man baptised. He wore his godfather's outfit. It was very cute. I was going to have him wear the gown the girls wore, but when I washed it, I turned it yellow. I knew there was a reason I never use bleach!!
This is also the only picture I have of my two sisters (one adopted by me - Breann and my half sister who was adopted, but finally found us about 4 years ago)

January 25th
My sleeping beauty! Little miss Mariah has to go to Children's Hospital to have a CT Scan. They are going to inject some radioactive substance and then take pictures of her belly. They are looking for stomach tissue near her small intestine. (Called Mechel's Diverticulum). We are hoping this is what is causing her bloody stools. If so we will operate to remove that and she will be okay. If not ... then we will need additional testing.

January 26th

It's a new day... and what a day it is. What a beautiful site when I opened the door to kiss Kiara and send her out the door to school. With everything going on in my life right now I needed a little reminder to appreciate life. Seeing this beautiful sunrise helped.

January 27th
Another day at Children's Hospital.
Mariah had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. I believe it was much harder on me than it was on her. We went in at 1:30 and got out at 6:00. She was very hoarse sounding when she woke up. Here is a lovely picture of her belly and the ulcers she has.

We won't find out for sure for a couple days, but doctor says he thinks it's Crohns Disease because of the ulcers in her small AND large intestine. He also says that it is rare in 3 year olds. I guess I'm still hoping it's not that. My poor baby!

365 Challenge

So I have been given a challenge and decided to try it. My friend Jessy has taken the challenge and so far doing good. So here I am....

What is the 365 challenge? To make it short, each day I will take a picture and blog about why I am taking the picture. Sound easy? We'll soon find out. NOTHING is easy when you have three kids at home.

I'm new to this blogging as well so please be patient. You can follow if you'd like or you can try the challenge too.